
Afraid of corona? This helps against the budding coronavirus panic

Afraid of corona? This helps against the budding coronavirus panic

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Concern about Sars-CoV-2 shouldn't rule her life

The constant flow of news across all media can increase fear of the new Covid-19 disease. On the one hand, people need facts to protect themselves from the corona virus, but the excessive flood of information can cause exaggerated concerns.

Dr. Sheila Jowsey-Gregoire is a psychiatrist at the renowned Mayo Clinic in the USA. The expert reveals tips for people who are very afraid of the virus and are particularly susceptible to rumors and misinformation, which can increase fear in real panic.

Problem solving and flexibility as a key strategy

Dr. Jowsey-Gregoire points out that many unique situations will arise worldwide in the coming weeks and months, which must be considered on a case-by-case basis. "Using problem solving and flexibility as key strategies for coping rather than listening to emotions like anger and despair helps you stay in control," advises the psychiatrist.

How to deal with the fear of Covid-19: the twelve best tips

According to Dr. The following measures can help Jowsey-Gregoire to process the topic in a meaningful framework:

  • Keep coronavirus news low.
  • No longer read, hear or see news about Corona in the evening.
  • Obtain only news from reputable, reliable and reputable sources (such as the Robert Koch Institute).
  • Talk to friends and family about the issue.
  • Meditate, do stretching exercises, or use other stress relief methods.
  • Engage in activities that you enjoy.
  • Stay optimistic.
  • Focus on a healthy diet.
  • Move enough.
  • Don't use alcohol or drugs to deal with the fear.
  • Some people find support in morality or spirituality.
  • Keep in mind that even strong emotions will fade away.

Don't fall for rumors

"Be careful not to react to information that is not an accurate assessment of what is really happening - avoid spreading rumors," emphasizes the psychiatrist.

Signs of exaggerated fear

If the fears are rampant and dominate everyday life, a doctor should be asked for advice. Signs of this include:

  • Difficulty sleeping,
  • Changes in eating habits,
  • Difficulty concentrating,
  • Persistent feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, long-lasting grief or overwhelming worry.

Covid 19 disease is mild in over 80 percent of cases - comparable to a flu or cold. The majority of those affected can cure Covid-19 in home quarantine. For more information, see the article: Coronavirus: Treating Covid-19 infection with home remedies at home. (vb)

Read also: Corona virus: Ignorance often leads to exaggerated fear and panic.

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of the medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical doctors.

Graduate editor (FH) Volker Blasek

Video: Fear more harmful than coronavirus, says Singapore PM (January 2025).