
New blood test improves the diagnosis of heart disease

New blood test improves the diagnosis of heart disease

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25 new biomarkers for heart failure discovered

A new blood test for heart disease is currently causing a stir in medical research. The new method takes into account 25 additional biomarkers for heart defects, which should make the diagnosis much more precise and reliable. For comparison: In today's investigations, only one protein is used for diagnosis.

Researchers at Queen's University in Belfast recently launched a new test to revolutionize the diagnosis of heart disease. The new blood test is said to bring about significant improvements, particularly in the detection of heart failure (heart failure). The team identified 25 new proteins that indicate the presence of heart failure. The results of the study were recently presented at the British Cardiovascular Society conference.

Heart failure is the most common reason for hospitalization

Heart failure is a long-term condition that occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood through the body as effectively as it should. The main symptoms of heart failure are shortness of breath, chronic fatigue and a frequent feeling of weakness. In many people, however, only clear symptoms appear when the disease has already progressed. In Germany, two to three million people are affected by heart failure. Heart disease is the most common reason for hospitalization.

Current diagnosis out of date

Currently, the level of a protein called B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is routinely used to diagnose heart failure. Elevated levels of this protein are considered a risk signal for the presence of heart failure. However, there are many reasons for an increased BNP level, the researchers emphasize. For example, some medications, high body weight and age can cause changes in the level. These factors can affect the accuracy and reliability of BNP measurements.

For the first time, several biomarkers for heart failure are used

The team around Dr. Chris Watson and Dr. Claire Tonry has now identified 25 other biomarkers associated with heart failure. These should now also be determined in a blood test to support the diagnosis. "There is an urgent need to develop tests that can diagnose heart failure earlier and more accurately to improve outcomes for patients with this condition," emphasizes Dr. Tonry in a press release on the study results. "With our new method, we can measure several proteins simultaneously from a small amount of blood for the first time," says the expert.

Treating heart failure early is important

"We see a significant increase in people who go to hospital with heart failure," added Dr. Sonya Babu-Narayan of the British Heart Foundation. The population is getting older and more and more people will develop heart failure after surviving a heart attack. It is crucial that heart failure be diagnosed as soon as possible, since early treatment can effectively delay the progression of the disease. "This will help those affected to get a better grip on their symptoms so that they can lead a full and active life longer," summarizes the doctor. (vb)

Author and source information

Video: The blood test that detects heart failure (January 2025).