Category Gastrointestinal tract

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Gastrointestinal tract

Diarrhea - causes and treatment

Eine Diarrhö kann vielfältige Ursachen habenVon Durchfall (medizinisch: Diarrhoe bzw. Diarrhö) wird in der Medizin gesprochen, wenn mehrmals täglich ein dünnflüssiger, ungeformter Stuhl in größeren Mengen auftritt. Je nach Dauer der Beschwerden wird dabei zwischen akuter und chronischer Diarrhö unterschieden.
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Gastrointestinal tract

Intestinal sluggishness - causes, symptoms and therapy

Carrier intestine- Impaired bowel activity with abdominal pain and bloated stomach sluggishness is a common phenomenon. Those affected suffer from abdominal pain, bloated stomach, nausea and even depression. Especially in western industrialized countries, a sluggish bowel is widespread due to a lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet.
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Gastrointestinal tract

Constant regurgitation - causes and treatment

Belching (“belching”) and feeling of fullness are normal “side effects” of the digestive process, with which every person has to struggle from time to time. There is usually no need to worry, especially if the symptoms appear after a lavish meal, but if the regurgitation increases over a long period of time, this is often an indication of a digestive system disorder or an overwhelming of the body with existing eating habits .
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Gastrointestinal tract

Bile pain - causes and symptoms

Many people suffer from bile pain every now and then. Both the gallbladder and the bile duct are extremely sensitive to external influences, so even the smallest changes can cause severe pain. The complaints are often caused by a decreased bile flow due to stone problems.
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Gastrointestinal tract

Anus pain (anus pain) - causes, therapy and symptoms

Anus pain or anus pain are symptoms in the area of ​​the anus, which is responsible for controlling the emptying of the stool and the continence of the rectum as an opening in the intestine at the bottom. The causes of anus complaints are diverse and range from problems with bowel movements to improper intimate hygiene to various diseases such as an abscess, hemorrhoids or an anal thrombosis.
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