Category Heart

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Poison jellyfish brings new insights into cardiac arrhythmias

Poison jellyfish brings new insights into cardiac arrhythmias

Complete heartbeat control thanks to poisonous jellyfishWhat does the poisonous box jellyfish Carybdea rastoni have to do with the human heart? Apparently more than you might think at first glance, because a German research team recently found that certain jellyfish proteins also occur in the human heart muscle, but perform completely different tasks.

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Heartache - causes and therapy

Heartache is a serious symptom in any case. As a vital hollow muscle organ, the heart secures blood circulation and sufficient blood flow to all organs through rhythmic contractions. Cardiac dysfunction, which can have serious to life-threatening health consequences, often manifests itself in heart pain.
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Fluttering of the heart - causes, therapy and symptoms

The term "fluttering heart" describes very different phenomena: For example, when feeling excited, afraid, in stressful situations or even in love, it may feel as if the heart is "fluttering". In addition to this, fluttering of the heart can also indicate a disease and, for example, be an expression of a cardiac arrhythmia, i.e. an irregular sequence of the normal heartbeat.
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Heart bites - heart bites: causes, symptoms and treatment

Heart bites are an extremely unpleasant symptom, which makes many sufferers think of a heart attack and brings with it corresponding fear of death. Often, however, the heart stitches are an otherwise justified stinging in the chest. For example, muscle tension, diaphragmatic cramps, esophageal diseases or gastric mucosal inflammation can be behind the supposed heart pain.
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Heart fibrillation - signs, causes and treatment

Cardiac fibrillation is one of the so-called tachycardiac arrhythmias. These are characterized by the fact that the heart rate rises to over 100 beats per minute. 70 to 75 beats per minute would be normal for women and 60 to 70 beats per minute for men. Cardiac fibrillation is divided into atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation.
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Lack of drive: causes and overcoming

All people know phases in which they "can not pull themselves together". The planned bike tour will not work, because it is difficult for us to get to the toilet. Although we just got up, we are without drive and instead of jogging through the park, we are just getting from bed to sofa.
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Heart attack - symptoms, signs and therapy

Heart Attack: Acute Coronary Syndrome Heart disease such as a heart attack or heart attack are among the most common causes of death in modern industrialized nations. Unhealthy diet, too little exercise and being overweight are considered to be the main reasons for the significant increase in fatal cardiovascular diseases in the past decades.
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Heart attack (myocardial infarction) - signs, symptoms, causes, therapies

Herzinfarkt – Ein schneller ÜberblickDer Herzinfarkt, auch Myokardinfarkt genannt, ist lebensgefährlich und zählt zu den häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Da diese Krankheit jede/n treffen kann, ist es wichtig, die Frühwarnzeichen, Symptome, Ursachen, Therapien und vorbeugende Maßnahmen zu kennen. Hier eine kurze Übersicht:Frühwarnzeichen: Wiederkehrende Schmerzen im Brustbereich oder in den Beinen, die sich bei körperlicher Belastung oder Stress einstellen, und dann wieder abklingen, können ein Vorbote sein und sollten dringend von einem Arzt untersucht werden.
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Heart disease - overview, symptoms and causes

The heart is a hollow organ that mainly consists of muscle mass. It is the blood circulation pump and motor for transport into the blood vessels. In regular relaxation and contraction, the blood pumps into all organs and tissues. The heart and cardiovascular system can be damaged in various ways, but often, for example, constricted coronary arteries or cardiac muscle weakness are the cause of the symptoms.
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DASH diet: strike out these five foods and stop serious heart diseases

Better than medication: DASH diet protects against heart disease A nutritional study that accompanied 4,500 people over the age of 13 shows that a certain diet can drastically reduce the risk of heart disease. In particular, people under the age of 75 could benefit from the so-called DASH diet, which is specially designed to lower the risks of high blood pressure, increased blood sugar and heart failure.
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Lose weight: crash diets permanently damage the heart

So-called crash diets have serious effects on heart health.The summer is just around the corner and now everyone wants to lose a few pounds quickly. That is why it is tried to get rid of the pounds through exercise, dietary changes or diets. Unfortunately, so-called crash diets are increasingly used.
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New heart patch strengthens the heart after an infarction

Tissue patches are said to improve contractility after a heart attack. Every year around 200,000 people in Germany suffer a heart attack. Thanks to the latest technology, around three quarters of all those affected now survive such an attack. However, in most cases, damaged areas remain that permanently weaken the heart.
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Lung disease: COPD also beats the heart

Concomitant diseases: Chronic lung disease beats on the heart Up to five million people in Germany alone are affected by the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD. The disease, popularly known as smoker's cough, not only affects the respiratory tract, but also beats the heart.
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Plant food protects against heart failure

Around 26 million people worldwide suffer from heart failure Heart failure is a widespread disease that now affects around 26 million people worldwide. Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot supply the body's main organs with enough blood and oxygen.
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Toilet seat to monitor heart health?

Special toilet seat detects and monitors heart failure US researchers recently unveiled a new medical device designed to revolutionize the monitoring of people with heart disease. The centerpiece is high-tech clog glasses that automatically monitor important body functions while using the toilet at home.
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Poison jellyfish brings new insights into cardiac arrhythmias

Complete heartbeat control thanks to poisonous jellyfishWhat does the poisonous box jellyfish Carybdea rastoni have to do with the human heart? Apparently more than you might think at first glance, because a German research team recently found that certain jellyfish proteins also occur in the human heart muscle, but perform completely different tasks.
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Can this abdominal pain also be a sign of a heart attack?

Recognizing non-specific symptoms of a heart attack Heart attack is still the most common cause of death in Germany. However, many heart attack deaths can be avoided if the person concerned gets treatment in good time. For this it is very important that the symptoms are interpreted correctly, because a violent chest pain does not always indicate a seizure.
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