Minimally invasive beauty treatments with laser or radio frequency should quickly and easily offer a rejuvenation of intimate aesthetics, sexual performance increases and help with incontinence. But do these vaginal rejuvenation methods really do what they promise? Let's ask a doctor! According to the chief physician of the Bodenseeklinik, Jens Altmann, it is still a big step for many to turn to experts for problems in the private area.
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Sexual messages are often not about sex. Sending sexual innuendo or images via technical devices such as smartphones is widespread among adults. The recipients usually suspect a direct reference to sex based on the content, but in around two thirds of all cases, such messages have no sexual background at all, as a recent study shows.
Remove Smegma - Is it necessary? Smegma is a whitish, sebum-like substance that accumulates between the foreskin and glans in men, and in the skin folds between clitoris, inner and outer labia in women. Most of the time, the term is used by laypersons exclusively to refer to the smegma in men, which is known in the art as Smegma praeputii.
Testicular pain manifests itself as pulling, pushing or stinging in the testicle area and can be caused by a wide variety of diseases or injuries to the testicles. The testicular pain is often accompanied by swelling, reddening and hardening in the testicle area. Since testicular pain can also be a sign of serious diseases such as testicular cancer, testicular torsion or epididymitis, those affected should urgently seek help from a doctor in order to enable a clear determination of the causes of pain and to exclude far-reaching health risks.
Penile pain can have a variety of causes, but in most cases it is an injury or inflammation of the lower urinary tract, such as urethritis or cystitis. In this case, the symptoms are very severe, especially when urinating, and abdominal pain, slimy-purulent discharge and fever often occur.
Erectile dysfunction Indicates increased risk of stroke and heart attack If men suffer from erectile dysfunction, this can be a sign that a heart attack is imminent. Affected men have a greatly increased risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.
Women suffer from pain during sex as do men, but women are far more often affected by this dysfunction. The technical term is dyspareunia, doctors also speak of coitus pain. Such pain ranges from vaginal itching to stinging, burning and cramps that resemble labor pains during pregnancy.
How does decreased sexual activity affect old age? A lack of sexual activity in older adults is associated with poorer health, including an increased risk of cancer and coronary artery disease. A recent study by University College London found missing sexual activity in older people contributes to various health problems and diseases.
Natural home remedies for erectile dysfunction When talking about erectile dysfunction, most of us involuntarily think of a male erectile dysfunction. A lack of sexual strength and a lack of desire for sex also count, which affects women at least as often as men. Sexual energy (libido) can be strengthened by natural home remedies as well as potency - unless there are organic diseases behind the complaints, which then require medical clarification.
Vaginismus therapy and countermeasures The vaginal spasm (vaginismus) is an extremely unpleasant and painful complication in the context of sexual intercourse. Women who chronically suffer from it can hardly enjoy intimacy, which makes intimate togetherness a real problem. But there are ways out of vaginal cramping.
Overview of sexually transmitted diseases: Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse or sexual acts. Many forms of these diseases are widespread and, depending on their severity and extent, can be annoying or even life-threatening.
Caught in the wrong body? Transsexual and Transgender Transsexuality is the desire to live and to be accepted as a person with the opposite gender as the biological. Usually, those affected feel uncomfortable in their male or female body and wish to have a body with surgery and hormones that comes as close as possible to the preferred gender.
What to do about vaginal itching: Many women suffer from occasional or recurring uncomfortable itching of the vagina or behind it is often an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which can be caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses or single-cell organisms. The vaginal itch is usually accompanied by other symptoms that can provide clues as to the cause of the itching.
Although itching in the genital area is extremely annoying, it does not necessarily have to be a serious illness. Allergic reactions to the material of the underwear or the detergent used, improper intimate hygiene or a reaction to the shave can cause permanent itching.
Vaginal discharge is a relatively normal side effect in many women during the course of their monthly cycle, but the increased discharge from the vagina can also be due to a serious illness that urgently needs medical treatment. Changes in consistency, smell and the amount of secretion released are to be assessed as possible warning signals.
Penile rupture The penile fracture (penile fracture) is actually not a fracture at all. The correct expression for this is penile rupture, since the penis is not made of bone, but is a erectile tissue. A rupture is a tear and in the present clinical picture the coarse, fibrous connective tissue layer (tunica albuginea) that surrounds the erectile tissue tears.
Swollen testicles Swelling of the testicles is not an independent disease, but a symptom that can have various causes. It is important to diagnose the underlying urological disease promptly. Those affected should therefore consult a doctor if they swell their testicles.
Male discharge is fluid that seeps out of the urethra - but not urine or sperm. Such discharge often indicates a sexually transmitted disease. A visit to the doctor is inevitable, because urethritis often causes the urethra to become inflamed, and we then speak of urethritis.
Inflammation of the glans - balanitis Inflammation of the glans is an extremely uncomfortable and annoying symptom due to the associated itching and the pain that may occur. Balanitis can be due to both infectious and non-infectious causes.
The term “horn tip”, sometimes also “horn tip” (lat. Hirsuties papillaris coronae glandis), refers to wart-like structures that have a whitish, skin-colored or reddish color and can appear from the edge of the glans to the foreskin band of the penis.
A penile rupture or fracture of the penis - colloquially also called penile fracture - is a tear in the erectile tissue of the penis. As a rule, this happens when the male sex breaks - be it when masturbating or during coitus. Then it cracks, hurts extremely, the limb swells and turns reddish-bluish to purple due to bruises.