Category Holistic medicine

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Self-treatment for colds
Holistic medicine

Self-treatment for colds

What helps with runny nose - options for self-treatment In mild cases of acute runny nose, e.g. As part of a simple cold, you fast for two to three days with hot water, broth and herbal teas to prevent mucilage. Dairy products must be avoided at all costs. After three days, you can switch to cooked vegetables.

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Holistic medicine


Phrenology was at the beginning of the 19th century. The term is composed of the ancient Greek words "phrenós" (spirit, mind, soul) and "lógos" (teaching). The concept originally came from the German doctor and anatomist Franz, who later taught in France Joseph Gall (1758-1828). In his teaching, he tried to assess character traits, intellectual abilities and characteristics as well as functions based on the shape of the skull and to assign certain brain areas to them.
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Holistic medicine

What is osteopathy?

What is osteopathy? A basic explanation in osteopathy is examined and treated with the hands. This makes it one of the manual therapies. The word osteopathy is derived from ancient Greek, from the word "ostéon" for "bone" and the word "páthos", which means "suffering".
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Holistic medicine

Anthroposophic medicine

Anthroposophic medicine is an extension of conventional medicine, which, in addition to the scientific, often purely physical examination of illness, also includes the mental and spiritual level of the person in the treatment. The term comes from the Greek and is composed of the words ánthrōpos (human) and sophίa (wisdom).
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Holistic medicine

Garlic: all-rounder from naturopathy

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been used as a tasty ingredient for more than 2000 years and has been an integral part of Mediterranean cuisine ever since. But it is not only its scent when roasting and the typical aroma of the dishes that make the garlic worth mentioning, but above all its health-promoting ingredients.
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Holistic medicine

Roeding (Roeder treatment) - removal of the almond stones

Roasting (also: Roeder treatment) is an alternative medical procedure for removing so-called almond stones. These are white-yellowish structures in the pharynx that arise from dead cell and tissue residues within the crypts of the tonsils. They are extremely unpleasant for those affected, because they usually only grow to a few millimeters in size, but they smell all the more abnormal.
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Holistic medicine

Multi-step oxygen therapy

A lack of oxygen in the blood can have many causes. From disease of the respiratory tract to serious blood disorders, many disease scenarios are conceivable here. The consequences can also be very varied. One example is the bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis). In the worst case, if there is an ongoing shortage of oxygen, tissue loss and organ failure can even occur.
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Holistic medicine

Chiropractic - treatment, effects and risks

Chiropractic is derived from the Greek words for hand and work. What is meant is not a craftsman, but a method that is used to cure diseases by manipulating the spine. The approach assumes that the nervous system is the key to health and that most diseases are based on subluxations of the vertebral bodies.
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Holistic medicine

Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system in naturopathy The human lymphatic system transports fluid, the nutrients it contains and various other important substances such as immune cells through the human body. At the same time, with the help of the lymph nodes, it cleanses this fluid, for example from pollutants and dead cells.
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Holistic medicine

Acupressure points and correct application

Acupressure is an ancient healing method from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Acupressure literally means "press points" (from Latin "acus" for "point, needle, bow" and "pressus" for "pressure"). Certain points, so-called acupuncture points, are not needled, as is customary in acupuncture, but rather pressed or massaged.
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Holistic medicine

Promote blood circulation

If the blood flow to the body is not working optimally, this can manifest itself in various symptoms. Cold feet and fingers are the most harmless of these complaints. In the worst case, it can be dangerous. However, there are many simple ways to promote blood circulation.
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Holistic medicine

Healthy nutrition - explanation and implementation

There are innumerable guides and books on the subject of healthy eating and even more diet suggestions. It is actually relatively easy to eat healthy without all the guidelines of fitness gurus and diet specialists if you follow a few simple rules. In the following guide, we have summarized the most important points of criticism for a healthy eating plan.
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Holistic medicine

Bach flower therapy - application, manufacture and effect

Bach flower therapy was developed by the English doctor Dr. He worked as a doctor in the hospital and was a pathologist and bacteriologist. It was important to him to treat diseases causally instead of just fighting symptoms. In his view, most diseases are based on psychological causes, which can be alleviated or cured with the help of various flower essences.
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Holistic medicine

Placebo effect: explanation and application

If people believe that therapy cures their disease and their condition really improves, even though the treatment has no scientific effect, we speak of a placebo effect. This is the case, for example, if a tablet taken contains no medically effective substances and the patient still feels an improvement in the symptoms after taking it.
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Holistic medicine

The medicine of animals: How animals can heal themselves

Animals, and not just people, heal themselves: they prevent infections, care for their sick, put potentially sick people in "quarantine" and use medication. They eat healing plants, wallowing in the mud to shake off ticks; the Sumatran rhinoceros eats bark that contains tannins and fights parasites; Dogs and cats swallow grass to vomit.
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Holistic medicine

Holistic principle

Ganzheitsprinzip: Körper-Geist-SeeleDieser Artikel von Heilpraktiker Denis Tengler beschäftigt sich mit den Determinanten körperlich-geistig-seelischer Gesundheit gemäß dem Ganzheitsprinzip. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte betreffen die Themen Ernährung, Bewegung und Einstellung. Ziel des Artikels ist es, dem Leser eine breite Grundlage über die zuvor genannten Themen zu verschaffen.
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Holistic medicine


Acupuncture is a form of therapy from the area of ​​traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that is thousands of years old. The word acupuncture was composed of the two Latin terms acus = needle and pungere = sting. During treatment, certain points on the body are provided with an acupuncture needle.
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