The verbena is a legendary plant that was used in ancient times as a medicinal plant as well as in sacrificial ceremonies and for ritual purifications. The Latin name is Verbena officinalis. Even today, it is used successfully in naturopathy in many applications.
Category Medicinal plants
The Brazilian quassia tree (also called "bitter wood" in German) is the basis of an extract called "quassia". Wood, bark and leaves are used as a remedy for indigestion, are intended to prevent infections and keep insects away. Characteristics of the Brazilian quassia tree Bark, leaves Occurrence: Tropical America Ingredients: Quassin, Neoquassin, 18-hydroxyquassin, bitter substances, simalicalactone D, tannic acid and malic acid Fields of application: fever Loss of appetiteDigestion problemsStomach problemsDigestive and biliary disordersInsect controlQuassinoideQuideia.
About 300 different species belong to the mullein genus. In addition to the black mullein (Verbascum nigrum), the medicinal plant also frequently uses the small-flowered mullein (Verbascum thapsus), the common mullein (Verbascum phlomoides) and the large-flowered mullein (Verbascum densiflorum).
Rooibos consists of the leaves and branches of the green bush Aspalathus linearis, which is native to South Africa and turn reddish-golden during fermentation. The tea-like drink is very popular in Germany and is an alternative to black tea for people who cannot tolerate oxalic acid and tannins.
Peppers and chillies belong to the paprika family. Not only do they bring fire to the kitchen, they are also great for treating diseases and preventing them. They promote digestion, blood circulation and the flow of sweat.Scientific name: Capsicum (genus), Capsicum annuum (most commonly used species) Common names: peppers, chilli peppers, cayenne peppers, chilli peppers, chilli peppers, Turkish peppers, Mexican peppers, red peppers , Pod-Pepper, Spanish Pepper, Beetberry, Pocket Pepper, Brazilian PepperFamily: Nightshade Family (Solanaceae) Plant parts used: FruitsPreparation: Originally Mexico and Central America, as a crop worldwideApplications: Promoting blood circulationRelaxing the musclesTreating joint and muscle pain (especially pain in the shoulder and Spine) indigestion flatulence anorexiaingredients Peperoni contains the bioactive substances capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, carotenoids, capsanthin, capsorubin, saponine and vitamin C in the fresh fruits.
Bisamibian, the Ambramalve, is a tropical mallow from the southeast of Asia. The essential oil of the seeds is sought after for perfumes, the entire plant contains bioactive substances. The Ambramalve is rich in active ingredients, which even act against poisons of cobras. Characteristics of the Bisameibisch Scientific name: Abelmoschus moschatus Folk names: Bisamkorn (seeds), Ambramalve, Ambrette, GomboFamily: Malvaceae (Mallow Family) parts of the plant used: Mosquitoes, seeds (musk seeds) Leaves, sprouts and pods Distribution: Tropical Asia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia Fields of application: Traditionally against snake bites and as a mucus and cough remover In folk medicine as a cramp reliever for complaints in the gastrointestinal tract, against appetite and headache The Ambramalve and its relatives are tropical plants and need permanently warm, humid air to thrive.
The boar diamond is a medicinal and culinary herb almost forgotten today - it tastes unique of lemon, mugwort and Coca-Cola. The rue was used as a medicinal plant to promote digestion. For the same reason, it is excellent as a seasoning for fatty meat dishes. Characteristics of the Eberraute Scientific name: Artemisia abrotanum Folk names: Cola smoke, cola herb, maiden sorrel, Iwa, Gartheil, Gotthard, Gorthard, goose herb, tripe herb, Afrusch, camphor herb, garden healing, garden cockerel Mugwurz (from the Celtic "warm"), Ambruud (East Frisia), Herrgottshölzel (East Prussia), Weinraute (Carinthia), Habrat (Carinthia), Lemonikräutel (Lower Austria), Eweritte (Göttingen), Päperboom (Weser), Schmecker (Bavaria), witch herb , Lemon herb, stickroot, prune herb, pastor herb, boar rice Family: daisy family Plant parts used: herb, upper shoots, seeds / the above-ground dried plant parts Occurrence: Originally Albania, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkey, Asia Minor and Western Asia.
The columbine, a rather unknown medicinal plant, is not for the medicine chest because it is poisonous. Although it rarely has a say in the herb and medicinal plant books, it should not be completely forgotten. Maybe she can show off her skills together with other plants.Staff of the columbine Scientific name: Aquilegia vulgarisPlant family: buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) Popular names: elf shoe, elf glove, columbine, bellflower, eagle flower, fool's cap, panther pants, female cap, pigeon flower, five lambs, tauberln, five Kapuzinerhütli, Pfaffenkäpple, Venuswagen, glove, Harlequin flower, HoselätzliVorkommen: to temperate locations in the northern hemisphere of application: blemish eczema and ulcers metabolic disease digestive problems restlessness menstrual used plant parts: leaves, roots, seeds ingredients: hydrogen cyanide, Blausäureglycosid, Magnoflorin, myristic, LinolsäureHeilwirkungDie active ingredients of Columbine have blood-purifying, diuretic and sweaty, anti-inflammatory, skin cleansing and metabolic stimulating healing effects.
Hawthorn is one of the oldest surviving medicinal plants. In contrast to some other medicinal herbs, people used it more than 2000 years ago mainly against the same ailments as today: respiratory diseases, coughing with stuck mucus and gastrointestinal complaints.
The Christmas rose blooms in winter, hence its name, which is reminiscent of the supposed birth of Jesus at Christmas. With its delicate white flowers, it is also a symbol of purity and the rebirth of life in the cold season. The Christmas rose (often also called hellebore) and its relatives contain strong poisons, at the same time (or precisely because of this) they have played an important role in medicine since ancient times.
The water mint (also called water balm or Bachmint) is one of the two archetypes of the well-known peppermint, but has a milder flavor. It is closely related to spearmint, but settles in even wetter terrain than this. Their healing properties are largely the same as peppermint, but are significantly weaker.
We know basil primarily as a herb of Italian cuisine, be it as a basil pesto or in combination with mozzarella and tomatoes. With parsley and chives, it is one of the herb pots on the windowsill and can be planted well on the balcony. The “king herb” has been known as a spice as well as a medicinal plant since ancient times.
Cinnamon comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree, which dries up to golden brown cinnamon sticks. Hippocrates used the precious spice as bitters and thousands of years ago it was used against various diseases or for embalming in ancient Egypt. It is very well known as a spice in the kitchen today: the real Ceylon cinnamon comes from the island of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in the Indian Ocean, and the cheaper Cassia cinnamon comes from China.
The local blueberry is called "forest bilberry" in botany. It grows on acidic soil in moor, forest and heath and overshadows imported “superfood”. It not only overflows with vitamins and minerals, but also contains high levels of phytochemicals that prevent cancer, inhibit inflammation and relieve diabetes.
The winter root vegetables beetroot (also beetroot) is notorious for its red-violet juice, which colors the skin and clothing - but this dye also works against inflammation. The red tuber provides vitamins and minerals, prevents heart diseases and promotes blood circulation. Facts about the beetroot Scientific name: Beta vulgaris subsp.
Kale, the winter vegetable of northern Germany, is one of the healthiest plants. It offers vitamins and minerals in great variety and quantity. It also contains little fat and calories, plenty of antioxidants and other substances that work against inflammation, microbes and cell damage. There is hardly a better meal to strengthen the immune system.
Carrots are cultivated forms of the umbellifera Daucus carota and were already valued as healthy vegetables in ancient times so that they spread from Western Europe to East Asia in various forms. In fact, carrots with their carotene, vitamins and minerals are among the healthiest vegetables and are ideal for strengthening the immune system and supporting essential body functions.
Kohlrabi is one of our healthiest vegetables, at the same time it does not inflate as much as other types of cabbage and does not taste strictly due to the mustard oils it contains. In addition, it has only few calories and is full of vitamins and minerals. Description of the kohlrabi Scientific name: Brassica oleracea var.
Smoking is undisputedly one of the most common causes of death. Nicotiana tabacum also made her breakthrough in medicine in Europe. Active ingredients in tobacco can be used, among other things, against inflammatory complaints and against autoimmune diseases. Profile on tobacco Scientific name: Nicotiana tabacum Common names: smoked herb, herb, knaster Used parts of plants: leaves, rarely flowers or roots 0.08 percent), nornicotine and other pyridine alkaloids, betaine, asparagine, allantoin, coffee tannic acid, enzymes and nitrates.
Corn poppy was flower of the year in Germany in 2017 - for good reason. Because the red-flowered cultural follower, often also called poppy, used to grow everywhere in the fields: the yellow of ripe grain, the blue of cornflowers and the red of corn poppy were the colors of summer, immortalized in pictures and sung in songs.
We know the bell heath mainly as cultivated forms from the garden trade. In the wild, laypeople easily confuse them with the Calluna heather, the character plant of the Lüneburg Heath. Erika, the bell or moor heath, however, needs a wetter substrate and a high level of humidity - it grows freely in this country on the North Sea coast and in bogs.