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Affection - The other half of the cure

Affection - The other half of the cure

Book review "The other half of the cure" The evolutionary psychologist Leander Steinkopf published with "The other half of the cure: Why we need care to get really well" a book that is devoted to the care of the sick. He sees a problem with modern medicine in that it neglects “pastoral care”.

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Cholera pandemic: history, course and background

Pandemien Teil 3: Die Cholera„Die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera“ ist die Wahl zwischen zwei Übeln. Die Cholera ist zwar heute in modernen Gesellschaften leicht zu behandeln, doch unbehandelt endet sie oft tödlich und fordert auch 2020 weltweit Tausende von Opfern. Sie gehört(e) zu den Krankheiten, die die meisten Pandemien verursachten.
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Strengthen the defense against viruses

Increasing defense against viruses - ensuring an intact immune system Day and night, we are exposed to viruses, bacteria and other pathogens as well as foreign substances. So that these do not harm us, we have a highly sophisticated immune system that is responsible for our defense. This includes the skin, the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and intestines, lymph nodes, lymph channels, immune cells, antibodies, the spleen, the bone marrow and the thymus gland.
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Flu pandemic - fatal epidemics in history

Pandemien Teil 2: Tödliche GrippenCorona-Verharmloser behaupten gerne, das derzeit grassierende Coronavirus sei nicht schlimmer als eine „gewöhnliche Grippe“. Damit offenbaren sie, dass sie sowohl von der derzeitigen Coronapandemie wie auch von Influenzaviren keinen Schimmer haben: „Gewöhnliche Grippen“ gelten nicht nur als Kandidat Nummer 1 für Pandemien, da sie sich sehr schnell verbreiten und sehr schnell mutieren – sie zählen auch zu den Seuchen, die global die meisten Menschenleben forderten.
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Pandemic - From the plague to the corona virus

Pandemics - Part 1: The Black Death Pandemics are epidemics, more precisely infectious diseases that spread across national borders or even across continents. They differ from an epidemic in that it is local. Conversely, this does not mean that all regions in the area of ​​a pandemic must be affected.
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Detect and fight bed bugs

Bed bugs - these little nasty bloodsuckers are pretty much in the spotlight right now. A few years ago, insects in Europe were almost forgotten, but the topic is currently very topical. It is known, for example, that the parasites, also known as "house bugs", travel with tourists and can accompany them from accommodation to accommodation.
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Hardened fats - trans fats

Hardened fats are created by converting oils into solid fats. These can be stored better when hardened, melt at higher temperatures and are therefore easier to use in practice than the original oils. Vegetable fats in hardened form were considered to be a healthier alternative to naturally solid fats according to the motto "Margarine makes the heart healthy", then they were suspected of promoting diseases.
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Growing natural remedies from naturopathy yourself

Easy and inexpensive to grow natural remedies yourself Whether peppermint, lemon balm or valerian - natural remedies offer an uncomplicated and inexpensive alternative to conventional medicines and are becoming increasingly popular. While exotic products such as ginger and cinnamon have to be imported from afar, many other natural remedies can be easily grown in the home garden.
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Medicinal plants in the myth

Many of our medicinal and poisonous plants are named after ancient myths, and their figures are reflected in the properties of the herbs. The myths of the Greeks are particularly productive. They designate plants as well as psychological symptoms, organic diseases as well as physically abnormal.
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Growing old through genes or healthy living?

Getting old: genes or a healthy life? Methuselah in the Bible is said to have turned 979 years old. No real person gets that old, but Camelo Flores from Bolivia reached 123 years after he was born on July 16, 1890; he lived twelve years more than the oldest American, Alexander Imich, who died at the age of 111.
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Acid-base balance

The fluids in the body are subject to constant fluctuations between acids and bases due to metabolic processes. In order to keep the pH in the blood as constant as possible, our organism has a buffer system to counteract these fluctuations. If this acid-base balance gets out of balance, acidification (acidosis) or alkalization (alkalosis) can occur.
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Piercing - history, distribution and forms

Piercing refers to the piercing of the skin, fat and cartilage tissue, especially to put jewelry through it. There is evidence of this from the Stone Age of Europe and Africa. In addition to aesthetics, the main focus was on demarcation from other groups, tribes and ethnic groups, religious rites, initiation and the definition of status in society.
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Winter health: myths, facts and helpful tips

Countless myths are circulating about how we can get through winter in good health. Some of them are true, others are based on wrong conclusions from correct observations. Still others have a true core and a fantastic superstructure, some are wrong. We take a close look at some common myths about the cold season.
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Sixth sense - myth or real?

Clairvoyance denotes an alleged ability to perceive things beyond the reach of one's own sight. It can be both a look into the future, an insight into the past, or distant places. The so-called "second face" is another term for this type of "seeing".
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Vaccination - vaccinations against infectious diseases

Vaccination means protecting a living being from a disease with a vaccine. The vaccine activates the immune system - especially against infections. Put simply, the animal or human patient ingests the infectious agent in a low dose in killed or weakened form in an active vaccination.
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Treatment errors: definition, examples and help

Surgery is always a risk, and serious surgery can result in death. There is no such thing as absolute security in medicine, and some deaths cannot be avoided, as hard as this may sound to the bereaved. It is different when doctors make misdiagnoses and surgeons make mistakes, whether due to negligence or lack of qualifications.
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Fish - healthy or toxic?

Fish on the table - healthy, endangered or toxic? Fish contains important nutrients, vitamins and fats, and many who want to eat healthily are increasingly replacing red meat with fish dishes. However, consuming it indiscriminately is neither sustainable nor healthy.Firstly, species at the top of the food chain contain high concentrations of mercury and other toxins, such as sharks or swordfish, secondly, 85 of the world's stocks are overfished, and many esteemed edible fish are extinct threatened.
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Important information: This article contains general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.
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